Featuring guest speaker Rob Leek. Rob was born and raised in Hamilton. A McMaster University graduate in Sociology, he owned and operated an executive search business in Hamilton for over 30 years. In 2010, he and his wife Gillian moved to PEC, where they became innkeepers, operating a B & B, Loyalist Landing, in the village of Bloomfield. One of Rob’s interests for many years has been flags. Considering himself to be an amateur vexillologist (a person interested in the subject of flags), he has amassed a collection of over 500. Rob will be speaking about the history of flags and showing us some of his favourites.
Featuring Guest speaker David Harcourt. David is an artist and film maker who is known globally as a Stunt Rigging Coordinator who has flown in 'wires' the A list of actors for more than 30 years. His passion for art as a creator and collector is deeply rooted in revolutionary movements and has inspired him to collaborate with other artists around the world to produce graphic works that reference agitprop while mutating those references through contemporary techniques. Tonight's lecture and film 'drama' will be of these, of 'Never Mind The Bollocks..." themes.
Anyone who needs to update their PHRF certificate for the 2024 season, sail measuring will take place the morning of Saturday, April 27th, 2024, in the main hall. There is no appointment schedule, just arrive at the club with your sail(s) starting at 9am. Measuring requirement will apply to anyone using a different sail from your previous certificate, or anyone without a sailmakers certificate for a new sail.
Dust of those dancing shoes and cut footloose on Saturday, May 4, 2024, to the tunes of DJ Evan Lewis. Tickets $15.00 per person. Dance starts at 8pm. Light luncheon will be served. This is a public event. For tickets email manager@peyc.ca or call the yacht club 613-476-5585.